Starbucks Unfiltered
How the American coffee chain, now global, has conquered the urban middle class. This investigation on three continents reveals the carefully hidden...
How the American coffee chain, now global, has conquered the urban middle class. This investigation on three continents reveals the carefully hidden...
There is what you see, what some people want you to see, and what you don't see. Never has France known such a concentration of private media. A few...
In the last 10 years, the landscape of the pharmaceutical industry has changed. A handful of multinationals control the manufacture of most of the...
For decades, their factories secretly dumped toxic products into rivers, groundwater systems and soil. This pollution affected thousands, causing...
We're at the beginning of an artificial intelligence revolution that promises to change everything. Already, virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa...
A documentary that explores the dark secrets behind the origin and development of the fast fashion and its disastrous consequences on people's health...
On December 23, 1995, the discovery of sixteen charred bodies in a small village in the Vercors region of France caused a real trauma that marked the...
Our plate is our most powerful weapon in fighting global warming and in protecting our planet. Today, our diets play a major role in the threats...
With no state, no bank system, a scarce army, and an under-equipped police force, the majority of Somalia is completely out of government control.
Children as young as three are becoming addicted to mobile phones, harming their development and causing possible long-term damage. We follow some of...
They're bankers, traders, investment funds executives. They forgot all about morality to make money. The entire world had to suffer the consequences...
Is cotton really as pure as it seems? After claims of forced labour, pollution, and even slavery, we follow the production chain to find the truth.
In the form of an investigation, this documentary, filmed in Morocco and France, goes to the other side of the mirror of the beautiful photos of the...
Three weeks with the Kurdish fighters of Sinjar, on the front line against the jihadists of the Islamic State
The Arab revolutions swept away the old regimes and were led by young modern people, invested with a global culture, internet, huge frustration, and...
What we now call an IQ test was originally developed by Alfred Binet at the start of the 20th century as a way to measure developmental delays in...
Johannesburg is considered the most uranium-contaminated city in the world. Waste dumps from around 600 abandoned mines sit next to residential...
How the American coffee chain, now global, has conquered the urban middle class. This investigation on three continents reveals the carefully hidden...
There is what you see, what some people want you to see, and what you don't see. Never has France known such a concentration of private media. A few...
In the last 10 years, the landscape of the pharmaceutical industry has changed. A handful of multinationals control the manufacture of most of the...
For decades, their factories secretly dumped toxic products into rivers, groundwater systems and soil. This pollution affected thousands, causing...