An Icelandic couple live with their herd of sheep on a beautiful but remote farm. When they discover a mysterious newborn on their land, they decide...
An Icelandic couple live with their herd of sheep on a beautiful but remote farm. When they discover a mysterious newborn on their land, they decide...
A young transgender woman takes a hike through the English countryside in an attempt to resolve her spiritual crisis - but an ancient evil strives to...
The country is occupied by the Japanese imperialists. Koppun is selling flowers at the market to get some money to buy medicine for her sick mother....
The Tsar is having his daughter Zabava marry a charmingly handsome and a handsomely charming Paul, a rich heir and a foreign fancy pants. However,...
In the oceanside village of Iyi, the revered Mama Efe acts as an intermediary between the people and the all-powerful water deity Mami Wata. But when...
A young lad delves into the local folk tale of a murderous monk for an upcoming exhibition. While out taking stills for the project, he disappears...
A woman looks for her fiance on her wedding day. Based upon folklore and literature surrounding James Harris, the Daemon Lover, including...
The story follows the life of Katyusha and is based upon the legend of Baba Yaga, a ferocious old lady with magical powers.
Korean Ghost Story was a popular TV series telling tales of the eerie and the uncanny. This episode took its inspiration from a legend that...
On a full moon night, a ten-year-old girl from a farming family in a remote village is lured by Moosina into a cave in the mountains, where she...
We're all searching for something! Explorer Reed Randle goes deep into the woods on an adventure looking for the "Bigfoot" creature. Lost within...
Drought has struck. Father pushes his wife away from the family dinner of termites. In anger, when mother challenges him, he digs a pit with a brutal...
Night after night, Bodřík dutifully protects his master's humble farm and livestock from prowling wolves. But when his master decides...
Maanish belongs to a group of tree cutters. While returning home, he accidentally lost an axe he was supposed to hold onto. Despite all his efforts,...
Ten-year-old Ti-Jean's feats dwarf those of even the strongest lumberjack as he fells timber, cuts, carries and piles heavy logs, and comes out the...