37/78: Tree Again
At the center are takes which do not change - a tree in a field in Vermont, U.S.A. Since the film was shot over a period of fifty days, the single...
At the center are takes which do not change - a tree in a field in Vermont, U.S.A. Since the film was shot over a period of fifty days, the single...
Dealing heavily with perceptions of time, Aeon documents the urban cityscape as Wellington transforms through a zen-influenced eternal cycle of...
Complete Time-Lapse of Gobright and Reynolds' Speed Record on the Nose. A time-lapse of the entirety of Gobright and Reynolds' blazing fast sprint up...
A mind-twisting time-lapse beginning on a hill just outside town, doing for the concept of time what Charles and Ray Eames's 1968 film The Powers of...
Stoplight Liberty focuses on a single intersection in Columbus, Mississippi.