The Empty Man
Retired cop James Lasombra is asked by a friend to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, who seemingly packed in the night and left an...
Retired cop James Lasombra is asked by a friend to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, who seemingly packed in the night and left an...
When a daring mission leads a deep sea submarine team into a mysterious opening on the ocean floor, they uncover a lost underwater world and awaken...
The Gardner family moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new...
In the middle of a routine patrol, officer Daniel Carter happens upon a blood-soaked figure limping down a deserted stretch of road. He rushes the...
A group of archaeologists uncover a strange structure in Northern Canada, dating over ten thousand years before the present. The team finds...
A friendship is tested as two women experience something strange in the desert.
John Hawkins is set to retire from his post as police chief of the small town of Lone Crow, that is tucked away in the deep woods of northern...
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out....
Visionary Miskatonic University student Crawford Tillinghast follows in his late father's footsteps and becomes obsessed with completing work on the...
Archons is the story of falling-from-grace rock group, Sled Dog, half a decade after the release of their hit single, Backfire. After a chance...
Herbert West is totally out of control on campus, sticking his glowing green reagent into every corpse he can find!
The malevolent inter-dimensional machine is still channeling monsters and blowing minds, but this time things get even more complicated with the...
Riley, a junior in college, is persuaded by her estranged parents to visit during winter break, only to find they have taken up a supernatural...
Guillermo travels to the countryside to take care of Héctor, his sick father for three nights. Upon his arrival, Guillermo finds that...
Samuel is a taxidermist in charge of dissecting a fish, however, he begins to be stalked by his neighbor who seems to be plotting something terrible...
Four young friends with fracturing relationships take a camping trip to Southern Utah in order to escape an ecological disaster up North. Alone in...
A student moves into their accomodation, only to find their room already decorated, a strange, inhuman flatmate, and a kettle that won't stop boiling.
While being escorted to a mysteriously irradiated site, a scientist experiences strange visions.
Self-replicating entities that have evolved on different planets merge and proliferate exponentially. In search of more energy sources, they consume...
A troubled but talented Los Angeles punk frontman becomes convinced that his entire career is the result of demonic possession.
Descending into a cave, two men seek answers to a book of unknown horrors. What will they find and will their sanity prevail?
Andrew, a teacher, is attacked while leaving work in a failed mugging which results in him becoming critically injured. While he is bleeding out a...