Flash Passion
Flash Passion is one of the very first films that the two artists made in Athens when they took up the super-8 camera and extended their theatre...
Flash Passion is one of the very first films that the two artists made in Athens when they took up the super-8 camera and extended their theatre...
A tale of two brothers from babies to adulthood told without words. One brother is upstaged by the other from the crib onward. Eventually the tables...
An eight-minute work filmed on 35mm film, Collage d’Hollywood explores the materiality of the film medium in a literal way. Collage is...
A post-modern fantasy based on Lefcadio Hearne's short story "Jikininki."
Roger Hammond’s silent portraits of film artists from the early 1970s were shot in and around David Larcher’s studio. Some Friends begins...
Short film by Paul Clipson from the Celluloid Sketches & Watercolor Movies DVD
The story is the closure, the film is how pain and anxiety are carried by the wind. There is no use trying to exert control, it only causes the...
In a nightmarish world, dominated by the decline and degradation of Man , Christ resurrected wandering, across three different eras of human history.
A twisted and macabre film by Mróz-Raynoch, which explores an exhibition where the guests are as grotesque as the exhibits (stylistically akin...
Short movie from the German band "Das Ich". "Kaleidoskop" was filmed by Kevin Gross.
An early video curio pitched between performance art and George Méliès’ trick films, Drawers sees Colab artist Andrea Callard...
An animated cartoon about the Creation myth reviewed and corrected by two women. God the magician has decided to create a paradise: Switzerland. He...
This black-and-white nightmare gives Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of the dark id a campy, gender-flipping treatment reminiscent...
A group of leftist activists expose the exploitation of immigrant workers by a criminal network with connections to local government officials. The...
This hand-painted step-printed film begins in a field of white light slightly bespeckled with ephemeral glazes of flecks of silver which gradually...
Following an introduction which establishes the social context of the film, ‘The Politics of Perception’ presents a one-minute...
Scenes from a demolition derby event are combined with statements taken from automobile insurance claims in Accidental Confessions. In these claims,...
A small portrait of the volatility of intimacy and of breaking free from abusive cycles: made in response to a year of collapsing relationships and...
Experimental film by Toshio Matsumoto created for the 1970 world's fair, Expo '70 in Osaka. The film was made up of multiple projections onto the...