Walter and June
Sequel to the TV film "Walter". In the United States, the two films have been released together on DVD as a package, called "Loving Walter".
Sequel to the TV film "Walter". In the United States, the two films have been released together on DVD as a package, called "Loving Walter".
Alan Bleasdale's star-studded comedy/drama about the lives of five plane crash survivors stranded together on a deserted island. Starring Jane...
A clever paraplegic man, haunted by visions of imaginary gangsters, becomes desperate to leave the "cripple" facility he's stuck in. To get out, he...
Comedy drama about a group of city dwellers who arrive on the island of Skerra to view the local lighthouse, little knowing that all who set foot in...
Faye Bowers is the host of a low-rent paranormal activity show, a master of trickery and pretence, but she is desperate to be taken seriously as a...
This film was created from 5 episodes from Rubbadubbers (2003-2005), condensed into a single film.
TUBB THE PIRATE: Tubb wishes he were brave. If only he were a pirate! TERENCE OF ARABIA: Terence does not like being splashed! If only he were...