Black Balls
Alex Klein is a bankrupt real estate executive whose life is on a collision course. Not only do the market and his career look like a Trabant from...
Alex Klein is a bankrupt real estate executive whose life is on a collision course. Not only do the market and his career look like a Trabant from...
Oplev Biblen fortalt, som du aldrig har hørt den før, i en blanding af skuespil, rap og komedy med tryllekunstneren Rune Klan, rapperne...
In the comedy ' undercover ' is to be Denmark's worst police officer Muhammed on his first undercover mission. The only problem is that it is small...
Buster, 11, loves everything about his life. He’s an optimist who knows that the going can get tough, but if you apply a little magic and a lot...
”Rommen er en tøjte” er spækket med skarp stand-up fra Lindas fortid, nutid såvel som fremtid, historier fra...
When clairvoyant Pernille meets Journalist Daniel, who is on a mission to write an exposé about Fact & Fiction in the clairvoyant world,...
Linda P is once again ready to come on stage. This time with a show called Linda P's talk show – including talk and show. The name comes from...