Act of the Heart
A woman's peculiar religious convictions lead her on a self-destructive path.
A woman's peculiar religious convictions lead her on a self-destructive path.
Within a family of doctors, the parents and the adult children find themselves successful professionally but dysfunctional personally. When the...
The Wuthering Heights singer gives a rare interview in 1989, in which she talks about her album The Sensual World and the influence of Alfred...
The globe-spanning story of the oil industry from the first strikes of the 19th century through the Gulf War. The industry's colorful characters and...
It’s the poky little puppy’s first Christmas, and he’s not sure what to expect. When he meets an animal friend who’s lost his...
If it weren't for a series of cataclysmic events, a comet impact being first on the list, our planet could well still be the domain of dinosaurs....