Two friends turn bitter foes after a fall out and their enmity is exploited by a man who has scores to settle.
Two friends turn bitter foes after a fall out and their enmity is exploited by a man who has scores to settle.
Ramachandran, a young man who is preparing for his IAS exam, battles his id, which keeps getting him into problems.
An autorickshaw driver frequently expresses discontent with life's aspects but harbors an ambitious dream of changing the world, though his actions...
Srinu (Bharat) and Anjali (Sharanya) study tenth class in the same school. They fall in love with each other. Their friendship cum love thickens when...
A journalist, along with her colleagues, decides to investigate the Covelone Estate, which is believed to be haunted. What follows is a series of...
Anand is a photographer who befriends a shy Annalakshmi. The conservative-looking girl eventually falls in love with him but his true intentions are...