A doddering old gentleman, out for his morning's constitutional, suffers an attack of epilepsy in front of a saloon in the country town. Pedestrians...
Young Harry Farman and Eloise Wendell are engaged to be married. Harry is a wealthy young fellow and Eloise is a society girl, and both find pleasure...
Charles Shea, the handsome young foreman of the Bar Z ranch, has won the love of the winsome daughter of his employer, John Graham. Alice and he are...
Edna Graham is advised in a letter from her father, given her after the old ranchman's death, not to attempt to run the big "Double K," hut to secure...
Mr. Josh Banks a ranchman, receives word that his niece, a pretty Chicago girl of eighteen, is on her way to make them a visit. The news immediately...
Bill Smith, a cowpuncher, is in love with Nell Parsons, daughter of Jon Parsons, a gruff old rancher. Bill wins Nell as far as she is concerned, but...