Surjani Mulia
The Sadikin family had three girls with different personalities. Suryani aka Ani who was social, Suryana or Ana who was interested in art, especially...
The Sadikin family had three girls with different personalities. Suryani aka Ani who was social, Suryana or Ana who was interested in art, especially...
Soedrajat abuses his high social status in order to womanise and becomes his rich uncle's heir despite the latter having a son, the kindly and noble...
The film followed a doctor who falls in love with his maid, as well as her failed romance with a fellow villager.
Suhardi, a post office clerk in Cipanas, moves to Jakarta. But he is accused of a crime he did not commit and is exiled to Irian. The situation...
The film depicts the lives of two families. There is Basuki who always puts other’s interests first, while his wife, Suryati who only thinks...