Sheep Among Wolves: Volume II
Today, Iran's aggressive posture and rogue nuclear weapons program are straining the patience and nerve of the international community. With Iranian...
Today, Iran's aggressive posture and rogue nuclear weapons program are straining the patience and nerve of the international community. With Iranian...
The life of Moses as told through the Book of Exodus, the imagination of a dying boy, and the ballads of his father.
One of the most famous Bible stories of all time retold against the backdrop of the Spanish Inquisition, the conquest of the New World, the birth of...
Hear from leaders in the underground church in this gripping documentary, and allow these persecuted believers to ask you—as they ask...
A story about fathers, sons, and consequence in the days before the flood foretold by Noah.
The Book of Revelation told through the dream of an eleven year-old boy, the ballads of his father, and the memories of John the beloved apostle.
Volume II explores the opportunities for a tangible witness of Jesus and the work of FAI Relief before, during, and after the campaign to liberate...
Volume I highlights the Gospel opportunities presented by the scourge of Daesh across northern Iraq. Just months after the Islamic State of Iraq and...