Our School Abstinence
During the summer, Maruyama goees to a branch school in the countryside where supplementary classes are held for problem children. A relationship...
During the summer, Maruyama goees to a branch school in the countryside where supplementary classes are held for problem children. A relationship...
A mysterious transgender murder group wearing black dresses appears. It is a brutal method in which the targeted man are raped and then killed. Ohara...
There were three people who occasionally met up at a downtown snack bar to drink and drink. However, today, unlike usual, one woman, Emi, was among...
On his 60th birthday, the wealthy Seiichiro Eto dies of rage after having an affair with his maid, Keiko. The remaining sisters fall into the hands...
Takeshi, an up-and-coming fashion designer, is being courted by his manager Ichiro, but somehow manages to escape. He didn't hate Ichiro, but there...
One day, a handsome young man with amnesia comes to visit his mother at a gay bar. He gives him the name Maya and lets him help out at the store, but...
There are people in the world with various sexual hobbies, and here, young men with such hobbies gather together to go on an erotic tour to...
A man who makes a living writing illustrations for erotic magazines but he also enjoyed groping women on the train. Lately, both his job and "hobby"...
A man and a woman are entangled in a warehouse at a company. The man, Yuji, aims to cum inside her, but is met with resistance from the woman. The...
"Junai" is a bar run by Okama's mom and is crowded day and night with male and female couples and gay men. The Miss Pure Love Contest is scheduled...
There are women who are easily deceived by men, and women who are devoted to men without knowing that they are being deceived. For a man, this ideal...
A dangerous disease and fear that befalls a happy gay couple...
Shinichi's mother died after suffering for many years after being exposed to radiation in Nagasaki from the atomic bomb. On the way to his mother's...
The men in prison are frustrated and in agony. It's difficult because the desires of these men are concentrated on just one man. A man raped in the...
Follows men who ride bicycles and a shopkeeper, known as the master, who lent small amounts of money to the young people who frequented his shop, and...
Keiko Hama, who works at a law firm, is molested on a crowded commuter train. She can't help but feel aroused by the molester's technique... However,...
Yamada is a regular employee. He is timid and is exposed to pressure from his superiors and subordinates, living in fear every day. His superiors...