Cagalera and Moloteco are two teenagers from San Gregorio Atlapulco who are desperate to get out and move up and away from oppressive circumstances....
Cagalera and Moloteco are two teenagers from San Gregorio Atlapulco who are desperate to get out and move up and away from oppressive circumstances....
The rag-tag crew of world famous TV news show 31 Minutos goes into the sea to a mystery island to rescue their beloved producer Juanin Juan Harry.
In the midst of the battle between a humble technical center and a powerful university for the award to build a robot to Chile, love arises.
The adventures and misadventures of officers Salinas and Freire, who will have to settle for their lives to be respected by their superiors.
Catalina is an influencer that stopped believing in Santa Claus and decides to ruin her siblings Christmas.
A small-town journalist in southern Chile realizes he just run out of good news so that he starts making gossips and fake stories in order to keep...
After moving into a new house with his friend, Vladimir starts to notice that he awakes every day in a different week as if he has traveled trough...
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
The bumbling police Freire and Salinas are accused of a crime they did not commit and become the most popular men in the country.
Fabrizio Copano set out on a journey from his hometown in Chile and became the youngest comedian ever to conquer the "Monstruo" and win the Grand...
Journalist Mario Hugo tries to put together a Christmas show in the 31 Minutos' studio, but everything ends up going wrong.
The 31 Minutos team is present with a disastrous 10-minute presentation at the Chilean televised charity event called Teletón, the great...
The 31 Minutos pilot is the second pilot produced by Aplaplac for the series, this time to be presented to Televisión Nacional de Chile for...
At the show's studio, everyone was ready and willing to spend Christmas—the happiest day of the year—at home, but Sr. Manguera informs...
Tulio accepts the mayor's invitation to host his own festival within the Viña Festival, but the rest of the team is very scared by the...
La represa tells the story of an aboriginal tribe that finds itself endangered by the construction of a dam over their sacred land. "Beard in head"...
In the Municipal Theater of Titirilquen Raul Rupertino Tufillo Triviño the Policarpo Top Top Top Awards are held, an award ceremony where...