True: Winter Wishes
True: Winter Wishes
An ice crystal from a frosty realm is freezing everything in the Rainbow Kingdom, its citizens too! Can True save Winter Wishfest -- and her friends?
An ice crystal from a frosty realm is freezing everything in the Rainbow Kingdom, its citizens too! Can True save Winter Wishfest -- and her friends?
When a giant Grippity-Grab snags Grizelda's friendship bracelet and turns her into a mermaid, True heads under the sea with magic wishes to save the...
True and Bartleby try to cheer up the Rainbow Kingdom's loneliest citizen, but his gloomy mood is contagious! Can a trio of wishes turn things around?
It's Grabbleapple harvest season in the Rainbow Kingdom ... but Glummy Glooma doesn't want autumn to come. Can True and her friends save the festival?