The Runestone
A New York detective takes the case of a bulletproof monster sprung to life from Viking legend.
A New York detective takes the case of a bulletproof monster sprung to life from Viking legend.
Aspiring director Eddie moves from the Midwest to Los Angeles, where he rooms with his cousin and attempts to establish himself in advertising...
Perry Mason ventures to Paris to defend a U.S. Marine Corps Captain accused of murdering a man suspected of being a Nazi SS Officer.
Kelly's new husband Nick begins behaving oddly, showing a surprising desire to make babies and shun his drinking buddies. Little does she know he's...
A homicide detective is assigned to solve a murder case. The trouble is that his wife, a reporter, has been assigned by her employer to cover the...
McKeon's baby is kidnapped by a devil-worshipping cult and she uses her new-found psychic abilities to track them down.
The feature-length pilot for the popular tv series. In 1967, the people of the 510th Evac Hospital at China Beach Vietnam include the cool but...
On a personal mission to destroy his wife killer, a Denver cop (William Baldwin) joins a rogue operation that goes bad, finds himself under suspicion...
A cartoon dog entertainment promoter manipulates a naive newcomer to be his headline act for an upcoming show.