Ayla: The Daughter of War
In 1950, amidst the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Süleyman stumbles upon a a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight...
In 1950, amidst the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Süleyman stumbles upon a a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight...
While bickering with her boss at a tailor shop, Feride makes a life-altering bet that propels her toward her dream of making it big in high fashion.
Conditionally released four friends from jail must be away 100 meters from each other. but in the time they can not stay away each other, and come...
Eyüp works relentlessly under the blazing sun during a tomato harvest in southeastern Turkey, driven by the urgent need to settle an impending...
The human tragedy and the suffering of the Crimean Turks who were taken hostage as prisoners of war in German prison camps during World War II.
Under pressure to find a job, a young loafer teams up with his buddy to form an online group for ne'er-do-wells and puts their friendship to the test.
The story of 3 different generations living in the same city. Alper, his best friend Soner and his long-time girlfriend Hazan are studying at the...
It is 1416, 13 years after Timur's victory over the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Ankara. Çelebi Mehmed emerged victorious from the struggle...
Gafur - an extreme Muslim who was brought up to view all aspects of earthly life as an investment in the afterlife. He runs into a streetwalker who...