Buenos Aires, Argentina. A luxurious van is parked on the sidewalk. A man enters with the purpose of stealing whatever he can find, but when he wants...
Buenos Aires, Argentina. A luxurious van is parked on the sidewalk. A man enters with the purpose of stealing whatever he can find, but when he wants...
After refusing big and prestigious awards all over the world, Mr. Mantovani, Literature Nobel Prize winner, accepts an invitation to visit his...
Pedro, an inexperienced conman, decides to rob a bank. When he tries to escape, the branch is surrounded by police. His hostage turns out to be...
Isidoro is a lazy guy, who loves parties and casinos, but has never worked, so he lives off his father's inheritance and making his uncle suffer. But...
One hot summer at the beginning of the new millennium and on the eve of the great economic crisis of the year 2001, a group of adolescent girls falls...
Ricardo and Miguel, are two young friends, who form a musical duo. Convinced that they have great potential, they decide to present themselves to a...
In a Mockuocumentary format, led by the personage represented by Leonardo Sbaraglia, in 2499 the research is presented - carried out by scientists...
The Argentine dictatorship kidnapped people who where thought to be part of communist guerrillas. This one in particular is the story of Telmo, a...
Luego de 5 años de ausencia de los escenarios, el trío más taquillero volvió al ruedo con un show único. “El...
Four desperate men decide to rob a provincial bank. The plan is carried out, but something goes wrong and they must flee. Little by little, the...
1_Presentacion 2_Historia de Miguel, el Chino y Dady 3_Lily Sullos 4_Mi unicornio azul 5_Musicos 6_Boliche 7_Elton John
Presentacion Monologo Dady Pablito Ruiz Tina Turner Los Visconti Juan del Gualeyan Azucar, pimienta y sal Monologo Miguel Chirola ...
Domingo, Pavarotti y Carreras Juan Carlos y las Ruteras Cuidador de Perros Dracula El Chino, La Tota y Pochola Mercedes Sosa Fin
Presentacion El Chino y Dady [pelea por el monologo] Papa Juan Pablo II Queen La Bomba Tucumana Ricardo Montaner Trio de Trolos Volare El...