The Genius
A ramshackle underground SF satire set and shot in the self-absorbed art world of lower Manhattan, written, produced, and directed by Joe Gibbons,...
A ramshackle underground SF satire set and shot in the self-absorbed art world of lower Manhattan, written, produced, and directed by Joe Gibbons,...
This very special film features a carefully curated selection of some of the priceless messages that have graced Anthology’s voicemail system...
Tension between a man and his handsome young rival (a Ken doll) erupts into violence. Their interaction devolves from a series of tussles to a...
An auto-documentary about a disenfranchised Everyman and his struggle to re-integrate himself into society. He fails and turns to crime.
It’s the first day of autumn, and Gibbons can already smell death in the air. Leading us and his dog Woody on a walk through a cemetery,...
Shot with a cell-phone camera, focuses on the sound of rain and visuals of pretty, multicolored lights blurred in a watery car window.
A man who has devoted his life to tending roses finally confronts his love objects, castigating them for their preening self-regard and disregard of...
Joe Gibbons plays Dr. Joe Baldwin, the self-styled child education expert who prepares Zoe from birth, for acceptance into a coveted gifted-only...
Confessions of a Sociopath is an autobiographical film on digital video and Super 8 film, conceived as a real-life version of Beckett’s...
The real story behind the classics Moby Dick and Metamorphosis starring Joe Gibbons.
Psychologically disturbed Professor Herville (Joe Gibbons) analyzes the literary classic Moby Dick. He gives a tour of the Herman Melville Museum and...
As recent state cut-backs force many mental patients out into the real world, Tony Oursler and Joe Gibbons team up to address psychiatric...
A portrait of a filmmaker confessing his remorse at the scandalous manner in which he gathered material for his voyeuristic film, Spying. here an...
After several bank robberies carried out in the name of art (and money), video artist and former MIT professor Joseph Gibbons leaves prison,...
Spying is equal parts diary film, structural film and conceptual film. The filmmaker “spies” on neighbors, passersby and day...
A documentary shot in SF circa 1979 about a trio of middle-class kids experimenting with heroin and cocaine. They start out innocently enough but...
"Seldom has depression been played to such comic effect .... The camera sits on a tripod considering Gibbons as he hunches over his kitchen table,...
A real-time video-meets-digital animation trilogy of shorts featuring the highly excited (and mildly delusional) Joe Gibbons. Brilliant computer...
When Barbie's estranged stepfather Joe tries to quash her romance with young beau Ken, the fur flies.
In an attempt to re-integrate Barbie’s personality, fragmented from the trauma of parental sexual transgression and compounded by an abusive...
An aged one is confronted with his options in blunt terms. Does he want to drag out his existence, increasingly infirm and a burden to his...