From the Manger to the Cross
The life of Jesus is played out in tableaux shot in the Holy Land.
The life of Jesus is played out in tableaux shot in the Holy Land.
A young Irish boy has fallen in love with a poor girl and wants to marry her, but his mother will stop at nothing, including murder, to see that he...
Margaret Jarnette discovers that her husband Victor has been cheating on her and confronts him. Outraged, Victor has his lawyer rewrite his will so...
Young Tony, unable to make a living in crowded and fast-paced London, goes to South America in search of his fortune. He soon becomes the owner of a...
Compelled to keep house for her father and her younger sister and brother, Martha is deprived of all the pleasures of youth. Ned, who loves her, begs...
A hard man is Lucius Stanley. Uncompromisingly upright, he lacks sympathy for characters weaker than his own. Thus, when his son John asks for money...
Bill interrupts a dress rehearsal in a wooded section, being held by several society girls who are to give classical dances at an entertainment. The...
Jean, a wealthy young Canadian back from a trip to Europe, meets and falls for Carmen, a pretty young Spanish girl. They marry and have a daughter,...
On his wedding eve Henry Halleck opens a sealed envelope which has been handed down to each generation, and learns that the family is cursed with a...
Donald Hall discovers that his wife is engaged in a flirtation with Major Humphreys. The husband forbids Marion to see the man again. Despite this...
The story of the Emerald Isle years ago. Showing the struggle against poverty, evictions by hard-hearted landlords, hill fighting and the final...
An actress weaves her web, like a disgusting spider, around a susceptible young man, lures him away from his sweetheart, and eventually destroys him.
Ethel Warren returns from studying in Europe to make her debut in New York with the opera company in which Jean Paurel, world-famous baritone, is the...
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the...
Lured by Diana, Katherine runs away from home. The foolish girl is soon drawn into the whirlpool. She meets Mace, a notorious man-about-town, and is...
Don Jose encourages the King in his infatuation for Maritana, a dancing girl, believing that when the Queen discovers the clandestine love affair,...
Mary's lot. always hard, becomes doubly so upon her father's death. Desiring to re-marry, the girl's stepmother conspires to get her out of the way.
"The Devil's Dansant" is the nickname given to a dansant of which Dominique, a Frenchman, is the proprietor. District Attorney Farrar, while...
Eleanor Warren is loved by Harold Rives, a struggling artist. Although fond of the young man, Eleanor longs for the comforts of wealth.
Kate Tarleton grows up on a Southern plantation and becomes engaged to her guardian, Dr. Robert Manning, a famous surgeon. When Robert, Kate, and her...
His weak-willed mother and the son Fred, whom she has spoiled, are the mill-stones around Dan's neck. Ida, who loves him, determines to save him from...
The vivid tale of a woman's passionate intrigue and a moan's loyal friendship blended in a tale that surges with strong emotions and suspense that...