Die Zauberflöte, Bregenzer Festspiele
Die Zauberflöte, Bregenzer Festspiele
What begins like a fairy-tale turns into a whimsical fantasy halfway between magic farce and Masonic mysticism: The Magic Flute links a love story...
What begins like a fairy-tale turns into a whimsical fantasy halfway between magic farce and Masonic mysticism: The Magic Flute links a love story...
Four people at a crossroads in their lives who meet by chance in Amsterdam. The city becomes their magical dream world, seemingly offering...
Gathered in the Scottish Highlands, the spirits grant the vampire, Lord Ruthwen, another year of life on the condition he sacrifices three young...
Seeking revenge for her sister’s suicide, Violanta vows to have her seducer killed. As hatred turns to love, can they still escape the deadly...