Everything Turns...
Everything Turns... is an open investigation into number mythology on Super-8 film. Long exposures and various animation techniques process and...
Everything Turns... is an open investigation into number mythology on Super-8 film. Long exposures and various animation techniques process and...
Both beauty and destruction. Both homage and critique. Sincere insincerity amidst the concrete jungle.
Amidst the frantic flurry of moving day, a film. Shirking our responsibilities until the bitter end, this bittersweet and fond farewell to an...
"I never dreamt that I'd be selling cars when I started it. It just gradually happened... I guess I never thought of anything else." A short film I...
We live with stories. And it's hard for us to give up on these stories, which provide us our identity, a way of understanding ourselves. Reflections...
After being diagnosed with leukemia in 1993, Danny picks up a camcorder and begins to make a film. What comes forth is a sometimes-hilarious,...
As two growing years pass, Don Zeghers - farmer from Holland, Manitoba - phases out his multi-generational family farm. With experimental photography...
When the secret Department of Unusual Occurrences (DUO) discovers the case files of a missing agent, it is up to the chief of the department and...
a hibernation meditation; created with the franken-milne strobe-o-scopic LED contact printer on 16mm
A film about the childhood heroes you so admired, and now don't speak to. Partially hand-processed and all optically printed, the Story of Thomas...
The unlikely intersection between an iconic pop star and a similarly iconic friend. In this tell-all interview, Jim Bonilla travels the recesses of...