Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps.
Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps.
After fun-loving metalhead Jacek is disfigured in an accident at work, he becomes the first person in Poland to receive a face transplant. This leads...
On the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
A story of three friends - Adi, Pele and Chemik, who experience many adventures.
The story of an unemployed journalist who fights overweight and account shortages more effectively than Bridget Jones, and although she knows a lot...
The story of Nina - a modern day Cinderella and Robert - the son of the presidential couple. She is undergoing a transformation in life and is making...
Prior to her wedding a nineteen years old Anna can't stop wondering - whether she made the right choice? So she decides to seek the advice of a...
Emotional adventures of a 40-year-old Warsaw businesswoman whose life lacks nothing but a man. One day, the protagonist, busy running a large...
The Borejko family has four daughters - Gabriela, Ida, Natalia and Patricia. Most concern causes the red-haired Ida, whose unusual ideas often end...
Podczas "zimy stulecia" na dworcu w Koluszkach zniecierpliwieni pasażerowie oczekują na przybycie pociągu....
A boy paralyzed as a child grows into an athletic man. The colossal strength that allowed him to become a fit man will prove to be his undoing....