An awkward young man adopts the online MYSPACE identity of his friend, a popular journalist, in order to attract a woman who he otherwise feels would...
An awkward young man adopts the online MYSPACE identity of his friend, a popular journalist, in order to attract a woman who he otherwise feels would...
'Žagari' traces the lives of Andrejs and Juris Žagars, brothers from the city of Cēsis, who both became distinguished in the arts as...
Historical reenactment of preparation in Nov. 17 and proclamation of independence of Latvia in Nov. 18, 1918 and in epicenter is only taken...
The elderly nursing home residents for years feel worthless and troublesome. But then a crazy idea strikes them - to waive their pensions and enroll...
Beatrise is drifting in life. She has based her existence on unsuccessful relationships that have collapsed, like sand castles, one after the other....
17-year-old Ria is a sensitive and mysterious young woman. Ria's mother has suffered in a car accident and has stopped speaking since her daughter's...