El casto Susano
Father and son are sober, responsible pillars of the community in their home-town... but they make frequent trips to the city.
Father and son are sober, responsible pillars of the community in their home-town... but they make frequent trips to the city.
Family melodrama; one sister runs away with the other one's fiance. Twenty-odd years later, her daughter tries to make peace with the rest of the...
Gangsters and crooked gamblers try to interfere with a wrestling championship.
Two poor children swear an oath: one will study, the other will work and support them both. The worker turns to crime...
Struggling songwriter "adopts" a teenaged girl to protect her from her abusive father.
Wrestling melodrama: crooked gamblers, boy/girl stuff and a priest who needs money to run his orphanage.
Big-league criminal escapes from jail, tracks down his ex-wife at a seaside resort. She kills him in self-defense, and then a guy who looks exactly...
A bizarre Mexican film in which a Zorro confronts horror creatures. It is part of a series characterised by hybrid elements of this kind.
Musicians/dancers look for their big show-biz break while dealing with a melodrama/crime activity that involves an abusive husband, a lecherous...
1910: Revolutionary leader escapes military, hides in small town, falls in love.
Satan tries to corrupt mortal man by gifting him with an enchanted tie-tack. First of four in a series.
Lone Ranger style heroic adventure, number two in a four-movie series.
Bohemian husband and strait-laced wife get divorced; each takes custody of one son. Twenty years later...
Teenaged slum-girl falls into show-biz by accident and rises to the tuxedos-and-furs class. Gangster drama and heartbreak, so she goes back to her...
Revolutionary battalion vs. guys in black klansman robes & hoods. Also a wrestler.