Yours Truly, Blake
Larry Blake is an American airline pilot who loves women and ... trouble! Wherever he goes troubles indeed follow, like this time in Paris. On...
Larry Blake is an American airline pilot who loves women and ... trouble! Wherever he goes troubles indeed follow, like this time in Paris. On...
Antoine Espérandieu, a French tenderfoot, lands in Windows Canyon, Arizona, a remote place under the thumb of dangerous outlaw Dynamite Jack,...
Honoré, a valet, has an extremely logical mind and is unable to tell a lie. This comes in very fortunate for the family he works for.
Colette gives up her studies to become a cabaret dancer. She breaks with her fiance who does not approve of her choice.
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier...
While Ludovic Dubois, a young summer camp monitor in Saint-Benoît, entertains the children by playing Robin Hood, the lord's niece is kidnapped...
The Count De Rochambeau wants to marry Mireille but she likes Etienne. The sister of Etienne, nicknamed "the girl with buttons" schemed with a friend...
To protect him, Georges takes the place of his twin brother, Jacques, suspected of murdering an aircraft manufacturer and stealing the plans for a...
The mysterious death of a well-known criminal sparks an investigation into national security.